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  • ITIL4

Author  Ersi Zevgoli

Digital Content Editor

March 29, 2023 |

 7 min read

  • Blog
  • ITIL4

An exam can be intimidating, especially if you’ve been working for a while, and your education days feel like distant, hazy memories. Perhaps you were filled with the trepidation of a truant teenager, or the eagerness of an adult reliving their carefree days, while taking your ITIL4 Foundation course.

Either way, there is a time and date booked in your calendar for your exam, and the nerves that accompany any test are here with you. Fear not! Having recently passed my own ITIL4 Foundation exam, I am here to guide you through the daunting revision process.

So, you’ve completed the course, you’ve booked your ITIL4 Foundation exam, it’s just you and your notes. The panic is setting in. Where do you even begin? Here are some helpful study tips to guide your revision before the big day.