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PRINCE2 Agile in 1000 Words

White Paper

PRINCE2 Agile in 1000 Words

White Paper

  • White Paper
  • Agile
  • Project management
  • Behaviour
  • Requirements
  • PRINCE2 Agile

November 5, 2021 |

 5 min read

  • White Paper
  • Agile
  • Project management
  • Behaviour
  • Requirements
  • PRINCE2 Agile

PRINCE2 Agile is the world’s most complete agile project management solution, combining the flexibility and responsiveness of agile with the clearly-defined framework of PRINCE2.

This paper offers an introduction and overview of how PRINCE2 Agile enables tailoring of the PRINCE2 method to agile thinking.


PRINCE2 Agile describes how to configure and tune PRINCE2 so that the method can be used in the most effective way when combined with agile behaviours, concepts, frameworks, and techniques. PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile are only suitable for use on projects, whereas agile can be used for projects and routine ongoing work as well.

This is about best practice project management when the chosen delivery approach is agile. It is not about changing agile to fit in with PRINCE2. PRINCE2 and agile each have their own strengths. When combined they complement each other to create a holistic approach to managing projects in an agile way. If we see this combination as a blend we can unlock the potential of both. A real appreciation and understanding of agile thinking drives the tailoring of PRINCE2.

PRINCE2 Agile is the world’s most complete agile project management solution, combining the flexibility and responsiveness of agile with the clearly-defined framework of PRINCE2. PRINCE2 Agile provides practical guidance on how PRINCE2 can:

  • create an effective environment for an agile project
  • support and facilitate agile delivery
  • wrap up a project when agile thinks it’s time to stop.

All linked to a robust and authentic review of agile practices and their value in delivering successful project outcomes.

What's in the book?


PRINCE2 is a project management method widely adopted around the world, used by people and organizations from many industries and sectors. It is a flexible method that guides you through the essentials for managing projects successfully, regardless of type or scale.

Agile working introduces well known frameworks, together with behaviours, concepts and techniques that have established themselves as significant and valuable. Together it provides governance that you can trust coupled with working practices that deliver business value early and often.

Tailoring PRINCE2 by blending in the agile ingredients

Tailoring PRINCE2 by blending in the agile ingredients

Detailed guidance on tailoring the integrated elements of PRINCE2 when using Agile

Building from the bedrock of PRINCE2 principles and agile behaviours, PRINCE2 Agile quickly establishes how tailored PRINCE2 processes and themes will enable and facilitate agile delivery.

Straight forward guidance provides a fresh look at each PRINCE2 process and theme. In each case the question “If agile working is our chosen delivery approach what must PRINCE2 do to achieve the project objectives without compromising effective agile working practices?” is answered clearly.

This is a PRINCE2 master class. PRINCE2 is a flexible method created from the outset to be tailored in application. The highest standards of project practice tuned to your specific project needs. All of this is done in a clear and concise way that you can implement straight away.

An introduction to Agile frameworks and ideas

PRINCE2 Agile reviews the two most common agile frameworks; Scrum and Kanban. The Scrum Guide and the Kanban Method puts the frameworks in context and PRINCE2 Agile describes how they can work in an integrated way.

A further integration of ideas comes from the inclusion of the Cynefin framework designed to help with understanding the level of complexity facing a project. Also included are ideas from The Lean Startup method that introduces core concepts like build, measure, learn and validated learning.

Perhaps the most valuable aspect of PRINCE2 Agile is the way that it discusses agile behaviours, concepts and techniques and integrates them with the PRINCE2 method. PRINCE2 and agile are full of ideas that can add value in project delivery. The manual links these elements and shows how they can be blended together to create world class projects.

New areas of focus for PRINCE2 Agile

The new areas of focus shine a light on some of the issues that come with a closer concentration on delivery.

The Agilometer assesses the project, environment and working relationships for agile suitability. This helps us to make informed decisions that can improve the project circumstances.

Managed requirements are the fuel that drives effective agile working. Defining requirements, user stories and product descriptions, fixing and flexing tolerances and understanding their relationships is key to success. Guidance helps agile teams prioritize their work and then manage the inevitable changes that follow.

In a similar way, rich communication and the significance of frequent releases are brought into the PRINCE2 Agile story. Finally, a thought provoking conversation about customer-supplier contracts considers what it takes to create an outcomes-based agile contract.

Practical Value

There are some that will still be surprised to hear of PRINCE2 and agile working practices coming together. This often comes from the mistaken belief PRINCE2 is a waterfall method. PRINCE2 Agile resets expectations and sets out PRINCE2’s ability to facilitate project delivery, whatever the approach may be. PRINCE2 Agile is the ultimate ‘how to’ guide to demonstrate that not only will PRINCE2 and agile work well together but they may be the dream team for modern project practice. PRINCE2 Agile is a blended solution that brings the benefits of both and levers further value from the combination.


  • Governance that you can trust.
  • Proven best practice in the management of projects and project working.
  • An international standard that brings consistency of language and terminology.
  • A method that can be tailored to your specific company, project and approach.
  • Champions learning lessons and continuous improvement.

Agile working

  • Value delivered to the customer early and often.
  • Iterative and incremental solutions that engage stakeholders.
  • Flexibility and smart working in unpredictable times.
  • Frameworks that champion retrospectives and a learn as you go ethos.
  • Behaviours that drive collaborative and empowering working practices.

Together, this is a solution that implements governance practices to ensure that projects are well managed and aligned with corporate strategies and programmes; and at the same time it provide an environment where self-managed approaches engage stakeholders and capture the detail in a faithful way.

PRINCE2 Agile is success by design. It is a smart, intelligent solution that blends the best in class ideas and concepts for project management and delivery.

PRINCE2 Agile in 1,000 Words