Axelos introduces official scheme for consulting partners

April 7, 2015
The Axelos Consulting Partner Programme is a new initiative from Axelos to create a community of organizations that use Axelos Global Best Practice to deliver high value advisory services.
Launched in March 2015, the Axelos Consulting Partner Programme is an extension of our Global Partner Programme and gives consulting organizations the opportunity to enter in to an official partnership with Axelos for the first time.
The Axelos Consulting Partner Programme is part of our continuing commitment to ensure all organizations that deliver our products and guidance are recognized and operate in line with our high standards.
This programme will enable consulting partners to collaborate with Axelos in making organizations more effective through shared knowledge and awareness of best practice, including current and future Axelos Maturity Models.
Axelos Consulting Partners are the only organizations authorized to deliver the Diagnostic and Certified assessments for the Axelos Maturity Models, including our P3M3® Maturity Model. Axelos intends to provide Maturity Models for additional products, once these are made available only Axelos Consulting Partners will have the ability to deliver the consultancy-led assessments.
The Axelos Consulting Partner programme replaces and updates the previous Accredited Consulting Organization (ACO) scheme and those bodies who are currently operating as ACOs now need to register as Axelos Consulting Partners.
Axelos’ First Axelos Consulting Partners
Axelos is delighted to announce the following organizations are the first to be registered under our consulting partner programme:
See the Axelos Consulting Partner section on our website for more information about the programme and how to apply.